For various electronic SMT components such as inductors, resistors and capacitors, a proper kit for collecting them is very practical and important. ATI researched and developed a SMT component kit about 20 years ago, which are still protected by USPTO for its patent. The designer is a professional electronic engineer, who found it difficult and inconvenient to arrange and collect different SMT components on the workbench before the kit was invented. These components are essential for basic electronic design, but it takes a lot time to find the right one among a pile of components when they are all put on the workbench. Thus, the SMT component kits were designed and produced.
The SMT components kit is a paper-sized box, inside which there are 128 individually lidded compartments. SMT components can be put into these lidded compartments. There is a big top cover with a piece of foam inside, which can ensure the components inside the compartments will not leak when the cover is closed. It’s convenient to refill the compartments when the components are used up.
To be continued…
We have empty component kits, and we also provide kits with components inside, such as resistor kits, capacitor kits orinductor kits. You can check them on our website.
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Physical photo of SMT components kit