
Surface Mount SMT Inductor Kits

SMT inductor kits are designed and used for easy access to SMT inductors. These SMT inductors are stored and presorted in a component enclosure, which is designed and manufactured by ATI. The component enclosure comes with 128 lidded coverlets and a final top cover. The enclosure has an A4 paper size and can be carried with users easily by placing it into a bag. During transportation, the components inside the enclosure would not be leaked out since a foam pad inside the top cover will keep all the lids of the coverlets closed and locked tightly.
The SMT inductors are from world renowned manufacturers, so the quality of the inductors can be guaranteed. When the inductors in a certain coverlet are used up, users can refill the coverlet easily. The inductor value is printed in each lid of the coverlet, which saves your time in find out inductors of certain values. The photo below shows the internal view of a inductor kit.
We have more SMT kits in our website, such as capacitor kits and resistor kits.
Our web site is http://www.analogtechnologies.com/inductorkits.html
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