
Why Inductor Kits

For most of electronic designers, it's not easy to sort out the tiny parts like SMT resistors, capacitors and inductors. Usually people needs these parts of many different values, so it is a huge quantity and will occupy a large place. Now, there is a smart solution, inductor kits
Inductor kits, according to its name, a kit containing various types of inductors. The inductor kit is a snap-lock enclosure with a number of inductors with different values. The enclosure has 128 compartments with lids independently. Corresponding inductance is printed on each lid, in line with the content of each compartment of the inductor kits. The size of the inductor kits is 11"×8.5"×1.75". It's a paper of letter size. So it's so convenient and easy to place the inductor kits anywhere you like, such as bench top, or book shelf, just like a teaching book. You can carry or transport the inductor kits to another site by putting them in your bag. 
There are two grooves on the top of the inductor kits and two protruding strip sponges on the bottom of the inductor kits. When multiple inductor kits are put together, they are matching each other, so they can be piled up easily.
Moreover, the inductor kits can bear an adult's weight. Therefore, the quality is superior. The physical photo of the inductor kit is as below.
There are more kits, like resistor kits and capacitor kits with different quantity and values of the parts.

