
New Peltier Controller TECA1-xV-xV-DAH

  TECA1-xV-xV-DAH is a new peltier controller released by our company. Peltier controllers is widely used in regulating the object temperature by driving peltier modules (TEC modules) with high stability, high efficiency, high energy efficiency, zero EMI, and a compact package.
  TECA1-xV-xV-DAHis an improved version of TECA1-xV-xV-D. The difference lies inTECA1-xV-xV-DAH has a higher accuracy, please refer to the table below.
Part #Maximum|VTEMP − VTEMPSP |(mV)
  This table shows that the voltage difference between VTEMPand VTEMPSP ofTECA1-xV-xV-D is ≤25mV, while the voltage difference between VTEMPand VTEMPSP ofTECA1-xV-xV-DAH is ≤0.5mV, ten times lower than that of TECA1-xV-xV-D. Moreover, Offset Object temp. vs. set-point temp. of TECA1-xV-xV-DAHis ±0.004°C or ±0.5mV, while that of TECA1-xV-xV-D is±0.1°C or ±15mV. Thus, it’s easily seen that the TECA1-xV-xV-DAHperforms better than TECA1-xV-xV-D.
  In the part number TECA1-xV-xV-DAH, the1st x indicates the power supply voltage, and it can be 3.3V or 5V; the 2nd x stands for the maximumoutput voltage across TEC, e.g. TECA1H-5V-5V-D. The above two specifications can be specified by the customers.
  Figure 1. The physical photo of Peltier controllerTECA1-xV-xV-DAH
  ATI provides more peltier controller products. If you want to know more about thisPelter controllers, please visit our website at:

