
Technical terms of NTC thermistor

1.Zero power resistance RT
At a specified temperature, resistance value can be measured by measuring power value, which can be negligible comparing with the total error.
2.Rated zero power resistance R25
It is the designed resistance of NTC thermistor and in general, it refers to the measured resistance at the temperature of 25℃
3. B value
B is the thermal index of NTC thermistor, which is defined as the ratio of the natural number difference of zero power resistance under two temperatures and the reciprocal difference of the two temperatures, as follows.
RT1—Zero power resistance at the temperature of T1
RT2—Zero power resistance at the temperature of T2
4.Temperature coefficient of zero power resistance α
At the specified temperature, it refers to the ratio of the change rate of zero power resistance and its resistance value, as follows.
αT—Temperature coefficient of zero power resistance at the temperature of T
RT—Zero power resistance value at the temperature of T
5.Dissipation coefficient δ
At a specified temperature, it is the ratio of dissipation power rate of NTC thermistor and its corresponding temperature change, as follows.
6.Thermal time constant τ
In the condition of zero power, when temperature changes suddenly, τ refers to the required time, when the temperature change of NTC thermistor accounts for 63.2% of the whole temperature difference. τ is proportional to the heat capacity C of NTC thermistor and τ is inversely proportional to the dissipation coefficient δ, as follows.
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