ATW3A314D Peltier controller is an electronic module, which is being under development. It is designed by Analog Technologies, Inc. (ATI) to set and monitor temperature. This Peltier controller features high efficiency (more than 90%), high reliability, high stability and compact size. The range of programmable maximum output current of ATW3A314D Peltier controller is from 0 to 3A and the range of its programmable maximum output voltage is from 0 to VPS. The physical photo of this Peltier controller is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The physical photo ofATW3A314DPeltier controller
By using ATW3A314D Peltier controller, users can set the window range of the desired target object temperature, the maximum output current, the maximum output voltage across the TEC, and also can switch frequency synchronization input/output. When the target object temperature is within a pre-set temperature window, the Peltier controller will be in standby mode automatically. Because of being packaged in a six sided metal enclosure, ATW3A314D Peltier controller has the capacity of blocking EMIs, so that the inferences between the controller and other electronics can be avoided.
Besides thisPeltier controller, there are also many other Peltier controllers available in ATI, with high quality and long service lifetime. You can choose what you need. In addition, we can also customize a specializedPeltier controller based on your requirements.
If you want to know more about Peltier controller, please contact us.
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