NTC thermistors can be used to measure and monitor temperature accurately. In addition, NTC thermistors have more applications, such as measuring liquid level and wind velocity, which can replace other measurement and control methods.
Some home appliances, such as hot pot, coffee kettle, humidifier, use NTC thermistor to alarm water shortage by measuring the liquid level.
Moreover, NTC thermistors have been widely used in wind velocity and quantity measurement. The cost is relatively low, and the circuit is simple.
There are various types of NTC thermistor in Analog Technologies, Inc., and all the thermistors are glass encapsulated. Some NTC thermistors are with bare leads, and some are covered with plastic tubing, such as ATH10K1R25 and ATH100K1R25, etc. Moreover, we have NTC thermistors with lugs outside the thermistor head. These NTC thermistors feature long term stability and high accuracy, with high quality.
Physical photo of a typical NTC thermistor
There are various types of NTC thermistor in Analog Technologies, Inc., such as
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