
The Resistor Kit makes the usage of resistors convenient

The Peltier controller is an electric module, which is designed for driving thermal electric coolers (TECs). The Peltier controller provides many interface ports for users to set the desired temperature, the maximum output voltage across the TEC, and the compensation network. Asthecompensation network matches with the thermal load, the temperature loop is ensured stability. See Figure 1, the Peltier controller has a compact size and is packaged in a metal enclosure, helping block the interferences from other electronics.
Figure 1. The Peltier controller
Peltier controllers are patented products of Analog Technologies, Inc. (ATI). There are many kinds of Peltier controllers in ATI. They all have high efficiency, high reliability and high stability during operation. And each of them has some different parameters, and users can select one of them based on your requirements. If you have any difficulties to select the right one, we will be very happy to help you. We also provide teaching videos for users on our website.
If you want to know more about Peltier controllers, please see our website at:

