
TEC5V6A-D Peltier Controller

TheTEC5V6A-D Peltier controller is a high efficiency, high reliability and high stability electronic module, which is designed to drive the thermal electric cooler modules (TEC). The TEC5V6A-D has a compact size (see figure 1), and it is packaged in a six sided metal enclosure, helping to block the electromagnetic interference. 
Figure 1. TEC5V6A-DPeltier controller
This Peltier controller provides many interface ports for users to set the desired temperature, the maximum output voltage across the TEC, and the compensation network. The compensation network can match with the thermal load, thereby stabilizing the temperature loop. But since there is no internal compensation network, the TEC5V6A-DPeltier controller needs to be connected with an external one.
If you want to know more about this Peltier controller, please see our website at:

